在线时间:9 小时
发表于 2017-2-19 11:56:32
https://endless-sphere.com/forum ... =6&t=37207&start=15
Like tinker toys for grown ups.
It wasn't hard to get it together into a frame. For rigidity, I have corner braces and corner gussets. Weight is not a problem for me, but weakness is.
One benefit to doing things this way is it will be easy to fine tune the exact location of the battery box, height-wise. Here it is in a low position (too low actually). Then shown is the box in its highest spot.
Sorry, blurry.
For the moment it's only clamped at the top, to the handle bars. These are motorcycle clamps of some sort. This holds the frame in place as I make precise measurements for the mounts I'll have on the Lefty fork
10 minutes of hack sawing later. Pinch bolts for shaft collar in place.
Shaft collar friction-fit. Nice!
Primary drive reduction will be outboard, exposed and very obvious. No stealth in this bike.
Notice the freewheel mount is on backwards - that way I can use a right hand thread FW to drive a left side chain. I had to fab a spacer for this to work.
Here 'tis with DaVinci drive friction fitted
Room available on this shaft collar for side to side adjustment
Closeup of FW. Spacer leaves about 0.5mm clearance
Notional placement
With the wires merged, press hard with fingers to make as compact as possible.
A large home depot crimp ring will fit over this:
I don'y like the "wings" the crimping leaves behind...
So, I turn the crimper about 30 degrees and crimp again. If you put the wings into opposite corners of the hex faces on the dies, and crimp carefully, you can basically coax the crimper to fold these pieces flat. You might get new wings, but they'll be smaller.
and the top parts of the e-drive. I'll upload the results tomorrow night if they're any good.
Here's the safety cutoff I've been talking about. The negative leads literally disconnect when I open the box... Never mind the red plastic things, they are PowerPole Mounting Wings and only come in red.
The box lid:
The box:
Rear wheel. Nice how the silver, green and black go together. Looks like something Willie Wonka might own.
Closeup of the BS 750 label. I've hit 4Kw on this thing without trying too hard.
The rear drive is definitely wide.
I've measured things out and I can probably narrow it by an inch if I flip the DaVinci drive over & place it inboard of the "750" engraved custom dropout/mount. I actually test fitted this concept tonight. But there are small interferences I would need to machine. I'll maybe pursue that in the spring...
I like how the green from the rim reflects off the top parts of the drive system.
Camera and rear wheel. I'll definitely adjust that angle before I ride, lese all we'll see is the drive and pavement
Took this pic, then remembered how I was really missing the "ring ring" bell the MENSTRUAL Cycle has on my way home tonight. Got that fixed right away.
And a side shot. Note the bell
I had difficulty finding a way to mout the speedometer pickup, posted about that a few days ago. You can see the magnet attached near the top of the rotor in this pic
And this shot shows the speedo pickup - tucked in there, behind the disc brake mount.
This would be a nice glamor shot if not for the trash in the corner behind the bike. Typical working basement
Lots going on in this shot. You can see the chain tensioner peeking out from behind the dropout/mount ("DropMount"). Behind the disc brake is the drive sprocket on an adapter from FFR, and then the NuVinci N360. The N360 plus a Schlumpf High Speed Drive gets me 360% gear range at the rear, and 250% at the front. There's some overlap so it's not quite ass tall a range of these ranges combined - but I'll tell you I have a granny gear so low it's hard to stay upright at 80rpm cadence, and yet can pedal power to the right side freewheel at 33MPH, so it's a good gear range.